Developmental Milestones For 2-Month-Old Baby

Oh, lovely mommies. Have sleepless nights turned you into a zombie? Are you still waiting to see your little one to make eye contact and smi...

Oh, lovely mommies. Have sleepless nights turned you into a zombie? Are you still waiting to see your little one to make eye contact and smile? Is your entire life looking like a frenzy attending to your little munchkin? Your baby is now two months old and beginning to show signs of facial recognition. It still has its aimless smiling moments but the vision is getting clearer or probably has already cleared.

Developmental Milestones For 2-Month-Old Baby

Most Prominent Aspects

Movement and slightly meaningful expressions are the hallmarks of your baby's second-month developmental milestone. She can see your better, focus just a little more, and start kicking with those tiny little legs. The little one is finally getting used to the real world and the sounds and views of the surrounding are beginning to appeal to her.

Skills and Physical Development

Vision is clearer: The blurry vision is giving way to a clearer picture. By the second month, your little one can differentiate between the primary colors. They become better at looking at brighter shades with big bold designs. Your face is visible to your tiny bundle when it is 60 cm from her face. She can detect funny expressions on your face and will sometimes respond with the widest smile.

Identifying familiar sounds: Your little bun is listening to you more intently these days. She can differentiate between voices that she listens to you frequently. Sometimes you may find your darling baby respond to her daddy's voice with a more charming smile than to yours. However, during times of distress, it is your voice that will calm her down.

Coordinated moves: No, your two-month-old cutie cannot break into a dance move, but the movements are less jerky and slightly more coordinated than it was a week ago. You will notice a diehard kicking move every now and then: tiny legs rising up in the air. It's a fun scene as long as your face is not a target!

Trying to roll: Active rolling may not happen this month, but you will notice the urge to roll, especially when trying to change a soiled diaper or during a change of clothes. Hold on mommies, the fun is just beginning!

Grasping reflex: Babies are born with survival instincts and one of them is grasping. The little stubby fingers are on the constant lookout to hold on to something. When your munchkin holds on to your finger, it is a rewarding feeling. She seeks protection from her mother. But the moment can be short-lived if instead of your finger she grabs on to your hair. The baby grips are quite strong! So try to keep your hair out of her reach.

Developmental Milestones For 2-Month-Old Baby

Cognitive Development

Taking interest in objects: Notice your little one carefully. You will find that she is growing an interest towards objects, especially those that are bright, colorful and complex. Give her a choice between a colorful big butterfly and a solid block. Chances are that she will look at the former one and try to grab it.

Anticipating new things: This is something you may notice towards the end of the second month or in the middle of the third month. Your little fudge can sense that it's bathing time when you bring her tub near, or when you begin undressing her. You will notice excited behavior such as kicking and pushing up the knees in anticipation of the event.

Social and Emotional Development

Follow your face: Two-month-old babies are still learning to make a sense of the world, and a mother's face is their favorite thing to watch. When you cuddle your baby or massage the tiny limbs, you will notice that their gaze is fixed on you. It is a visual as well as an emotional connection between mother and child.

Smiles at high pitched sounds: 2-month-old cuties tend to get all giggly when you talk to them in a high pitched voice. Calling them with cute names and making funny sounds such as 'Hachhoo' will crack them up into sunny smiles. It is their way of showing you that they are enjoying the entertainment.

Crying even when all needs are met: This starts from the close of the second month and goes not till they are able to speak a few monosyllables. Babies cannot tell you that they are feeling bored, insecure, or helpless. So this crying, that may seem irrational to you, is a baby's way of communicating and telling you that she needs to be soothed and calmed.

Involvement Of Parents

Interact and give ample time to respond: Want to hear your baby babble soon? Keep talking to her. When you make a sound or a noisy gesture, pause and wait for your honey bunch to thrill you with a response. Talk, stop, talk – This should be your game. This will help babies grasp the idea of talking earlier.

Music for your infant: Play different kinds of music to your child and observe her reactions. For a peppy number, see her legs go up and her eyes widen with the new sounds. When the cupcake is sleepy, play soothing soft music and watch her doze off gradually.

Not all babies grow up at the same pace. Some grasp certain things faster, and some just don't feel the interest to master a developmental skill quickly enough. Be patient and enjoy every little thing that your baby does without worrying too much about the ideal scenario.



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