Hershey's Chocolate World

On our trip to Philadelphia, we have been to Hershey's Chocolate World to experience the world of chocolate and get the flavor of it. We...

On our trip to Philadelphia, we have been to Hershey's Chocolate World to experience the world of chocolate and get the flavor of it. We had a free tour around, with which we can see how the Hershey's chocolates are prepared. We had an overview about the preparation of Hershey's chocolates. I wanted to share it with you guys as most of the people are chocolate lovers.

The thing which makes Hershey's chocolate special and results in its best taste is that it consists of milk as one of the major ingredient.
Firstly, we got to see a map which showed us the various cocoa growing regions throughout the world.

Then we came across the toy kind of singing cows along with some songs playing in the background.

Then came the actual part where in we saw huge cans of milk. This milk was used in the preparation of Hershey's chocolates.

The next stage we came across the cocoa bean cleaner which was mechanised to clean the beans.

Next stage included bean blending. We saw huge machines which were used for blending purpose.

Then followed roasting, breaking and milling procedures with special chambers for those purposes.

The next step is the Central blending where milk and sugar are mixed to the cocoa beans which were roasted, breaked and milled earlier.

Next comes the drying and refining which is followed by conching. Then the chocolates are moulded and given the desired shape.

Most of us know the famous Hershey's Kisses Chocolate. We came across the kisses depositor where they were given its shape.

Then came the packing section where the chocolates were packed accordingly and rolled out for distribution.

I found this entire trip quite interesting. I didn't spend much time in clicking pictures and hence the bad quality. Hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed my visit to Hershey's Chocolate World.


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Post a Comment

  1. so beautiful :) thank u for sharing it :) i want to visit :)

  2. Hi Lavanaya :)
    not a choc lover but still loved this post
    fun read

  3. Thanks for ur mini tour with super clicks... :P

  4. I love Hershey!
    And I love your post too! (:

  5. Loved your post Lavanya. We didn't visit Philadelphia till yet. But I am a great chocolate fan. Thanks for sharing dear.

  6. Nice virtual tour for us too... thanks for sharing.


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